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Home Eventi culturali in diretta Il 17 e 18 novembre 2021, presso il Tribunale di Milano, Salone Valente, Conferenza sul "Digitising of International Commerce: new trends from product development and purchasing through to manufacturing, logistics, supply chains and transportation"

Il 17 e 18 novembre 2021, presso il Tribunale di Milano, Salone Valente, Conferenza sul "Digitising of International Commerce: new trends from product development and purchasing through to manufacturing, logistics, supply chains and transportation"

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L'evento, che ha visto confrontarsi avvocati di tutto il mondo sul tema del commercio internazionale, trattato rigorosamente in lingua inglese, è stato promosso e realizzato dall'IBA, International Bar Association. Tra i partecipanti anche gli avvocati  romani Fabrizio Paratore e Valeria Bordi dello studio legale Paratore&Partners.



La conferenza annuale dell’Associazione Internazionale degli avvocati  si era tenuta a Roma nel 2018, presente la sindaca Virginia Raggi, mentre la prossima edizione è stata programmata a Miami, in Florida, a cavallo tra fine ottobre e primi giorni di novembre del 2022.


Conference presented by the IBA International Commerce and Distribution Committee, supported by the IBA Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee, the IBA Corporate Counsel Forum, IBA European Regional Forum, IBA International Trade and Custom Committee, the IBA Technology Law Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Milan Bar Association.


• Supply chain changes and the resilience in the ‘post-Covid’ environment and taxation of digital services

• Digitisation of goods and services: the legal framework for electronic sales, product liability and digital technology

• Fashion and retail, from difficult to even more complicated times: industry challenges ahead

• The food supply chain gets horizontal – how e-commerce for food and beverage commodities and products impacts traditional distribution systems and legal archetypes.